Friday, January 25, 2013

CDW Workshop 2013 - The best day ever! Day 3!

#notes Ahhh they make me happy. Life's good, so much art #BESTDAYEVER #mikeyamada #victoriaying Next thing I know it's 1:15am... Trying to replicate the amazing work below as seen in the link (style wise, not blind), with my epic fai
lures... LOL, hoping to see an improvement by the end of the two weeks... Workshop... 1st class with Khang Le, literally copying everything he does, don't really draw this stuff but would like to learn... At the moment it's in the very hard basket... #rocketscience #khangle #whatisgoingon #mindisblown #artfreakofnature
Well, today was interesting (as always phenomenal but brought new rocket science to the table). Khang Le continued to work on this crazy dragon landscape in photoshop and then decided to start on some sort of really difficult machine, Victoria Ying and Mike Yamada when through colour and colour scripts (I am embarrassed to say to all animators out there that I didn't know the difference between colour scripts and storyboards... And in the last session Bryan Wynia continued sculpting this crazy monster with no eyes in a program called Z Brush! I took a lot of notes and drew a lot of pictures of Victoria Ying and Mike Yamada because I'm obsessed with them and feel like I'm watching a 3 hour special feature just on concept art which I get to ask as many questions as I want in! Even stupid questions like "Are colour scripts different to storyboarding?" I also have to say, hip hop with Jack May, was the best way to end the day! Just because I feel like rhyming! Seriously though, I love it, it was exactly what I needed. Thanks for organizing class, it felt amazing!

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