Friday, April 26, 2013

Life drawing at CDW studios Friday 26 April 2013

Tonight I decided to really focus on form and was reminded by one of the guys Jeffrey about drawing forms - shapes. Simplifying things down to the most basic shapes. So I did, and I used charcoal, and this is the first time I've been comfortable doing life drawing in charcoal on an easel. Time of my life!!! So that's what I did, shaped the form, and then tried to refine it to look like the model. I'm ok with the results, happy at the time, now that I've looked at the drawings again, ok with the results.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sketchlings etc etc etc

Yes lots of sketching going on... They're not all from today and are just muck arounds and all copied from photos. I don't really feel like I'm working as hard as I should be. Last Friday at life drawing I was eavesdropping on a conversation with a couple of friends, one was trying to justify how he wasn't really happy with his work, and the other kept repeating, "draw more". It made me think about how I can get so attached to single drawings, you know, I've only drawn it once, so how can I expect to be doing my best work? I've had this all wrong for so long - not in a bad way, just my expectations on myself are highly unrealistic. I have a long way to go before I should be satisfied with anything I'm doing. Even drawings for friends, I feel a bit guilty, because I'll never actually be giving them the best stuff when it's only been drawn once... That's the honest truth, its not being overly critical, you have to be so that you can improve. As I said, I've got a long road ahead of me. #youbettawerk #stillfunwhatimdoing

Also, this is a portrait that I did for a friend which I finished yesterday. It took around 18 hours (over a few days), still super slow but it's my first 'painted in colour' portrait I've done in photoshop. Another thing is that I need to develop a method of painting - if I had of done this with acrylic painted I probably would have painted over it about 5 times to get the skin right, and then it probably would have taken somewhere around 3 to 6 months... 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Life drawing at CDW Studios... Friday 12th April 2013

There was some serious talent at life drawing tonight. One guy, I've never seen anything like it, had created this amazing air-brushed effect with BIROS!!! What the hell?!?!?! Mind was blown. And he's one of those talented self taught child prodigy's. I hope I see him again. Seriously incredible. And the regulars were all excelling so I was being inspired from all directions. It's awesome when you see everyone around you improving. Got HEAPS of back poses tonight too.

3min poses




10 mins








Thursday, April 11, 2013

Drawings and sketches from today...

Did some drawing at the gym today (in the cafe area, too scared to take my sketchbook into the gym) - realized a while ago that its a great place to draw some odd bodies, and by odd I mean, they've over-developed some body parts such as shoulders, torso, neck and they look pretty funny... yeah with stick legs, those are the ones that are fun to draw though... The muscly guy isn't from life it was based on someone that I saw there and I'm still thinking about curved lines and straight lines/character design from the weekend. Also was people watching to look at different gestures.
Got to be time keeper again tonight at life drawing... I LOVE being time keeper. 1 min poses. I saw after the class that one of the guys is finishing off the minute poses at home, he's got a really good knowledge of anatomy, looked at his sketchbook... He is awesome, and a walking art history manual. Blew my mind, never thought about doing that but it's a really good idea. The final poses ended up a bit rushed tonight, but I still enjoyed it. I'm not planning on stopping experimenting and we only get 30mins at the max anyway.
5 min pose
8min pose
1min poses
10min pose
5min poses
5min pose
7min pose
10min pose
15min pose
25min pose
30min pose

Monday, April 8, 2013

Work in progress - Melbourne's Pixar Masterclass

This is a work in progress post. I'm not allowed to post what we actually did in the masterclass, they asked us not to. They being Matthew Luhn and Andrew Gordon... Guys who work at Pixar and have been there for a really long time. I will say though that this is the best class of it's kind that I've ever done. I'm doing more and more workshops, but this was so specific to what I want to do, there are no words to describe how amazing it was. I was in heaven. I sat in the front row too (not so sneaky way of ensuring that they see you...) Anyway, here are some photos.

With Matthew Luhn:

With Andrew Gordon:

More photos coming soon... It was seriously, A-MAZING!!!